American Government – 5 Units
Primarily for seniors, this course is designed to give students a basic understanding of the American political system, its roots and its workings today. Included is a study of the Constitution with its principles, implied and explicit rights, and the system of checks and balances, which balances the powers of the three branches of the government. The relationship of the U.S. to other nations and its International policies are studied along with current affairs, both on local and national levels. The class is designed to discover where information on governmental actions and issues can be found and to encourage thoughtful and educated opinions. Students will have a clear understanding of the rights and responsibilities required for good citizenship.

Economics – 5 Units
Primarily a senior course, this course is designed to be an introduction to economics. Emphasis will be on the Fundamentals of Economics, such as supply and demand, and the effect microeconomics has on individual and corporate decision-making. To give our study of economics a practical foundation beyond books and theory, guest lecturers will periodically share the role of economics in their lives and work, and students will be enrolled in the Stock Market Game (SMG), an online trading simulation.

United States History – 10 Units
Primarily for juniors, this class is presented in the context of a historical timeline, with an emphasis on major trends, themes, and developments in American life from the colonial period to the present. An examination of America’s growing power and influence on the world stage will be a major emphasis.

World History – 10 Units
Primarily for sophomores, this class explores the religions, languages, arts, politics, and economics of various peoples and cultures and how they have historically contributed to civilization. Special emphasis is given to God’s role in human events and to how He has and continues to influence human history.